Are You Losing Money Because Your Emails
Don't Engage Your Readers?
Let me ask you a question:
If you went to your inbox right now, and there were 20 emails from 19 marketers, and one from a friend: which one do you open up first?
Now reverse the roles where you are the one sending an email to one of your friends?
Would you expect your email to get opened and read?
Would it be crazy to assume it was one of the first emails to be opened?
And isn't that the kind of attention you want when you write and send an email to your list?
Because the way I see it, you're either a welcome guest inside your subscribers inbox, or you're an annoying pest?
And that's the difference between building a loyal following and growing an Internet business, or wasting your time, money and sanity building an email list you can't make a dime from.
Well, kind of.
How To Get Your Emails Opened,
Read And Clicked
I'm not suggesting your email subscribers are going to be your close friends, but what I am saying is that if you can't write emails that engage your readers, without using gimmicks and tricks, you'll find it extremely difficult to make money consistently from your email list.
And that's what I'm going to help you do.
I'm going to help you write emails that engage, entertain, and separate you from the other five-dozen marketers you are competing against inside your subscribers inbox.
Push Send; Make Money.
Yes, It IS Possible
The emails I teach YOU to write in Email Prestige; as long as you’re actively building a responsive email list, have a great product to promote, and want to create long-standing relationships with your subscribers – will help you make money every time you hit the send button.
It’s not magic
It’s not rocket science
It’s not even difficult
...But you must be willing to do what I show you to do, and you certainly must NOT be afraid of pissing a few snowflakes off along the way.
Take a peek inside your inbox right now
What do you see?
Stuffy, Boring, Tame, and Lifeless
Emails Written for Fence Sitters
And you can do better; so much better in fact.
That’s what I want for you.
First let me clear things up...
"Email Prestige is for aggressive marketers who want to take this industry by the balls, give it a good tight squeeze – and stand out like a bulimic in a weight watchers class"
You’ll learn how to make far MORE money with far LESS subscribers, using strategies, techniques, ideas and concepts that are specifically designed to build stronger, longer-lasting relationships with people who understand and resonate with you on an intimate level.
It makes no difference whether
you’re in this business for 5 years,
5 months, 5 weeks or even 5 days
What I will show you, is how to trounce the experts in your market without the need for Einstein like knowledge or big branding like McDonald's.
As long as you can follow direction, your experience level in your market counts for nothing - as ANYONE with a pulse can dominate inbox's with the right approach.
But you MUST be willing and wanting to build relationships with real people.
No gimmicks and tricks
No burn and churn methods
No unethical shenanigans
So, if you’re up to the task of writing engaging emails that people love to read – and your intention is staunch on being as ethical as possible, while focusing on helping people in your market, then strap yourself in because you’re in for lesson in email writing persuasion like no other.
What You'll Learn Inside "Email Prestige"...
How wet behind the ears whipper-snapper marketers with very little experience can outsell their competitors who have much more experience and bigger email lists
I don't care whether you're in business 5 years, 5 months, 5 weeks, 5 days or even 5 minutes. Your experience DOES NOT determine your success, because when you write emails the way I show you inside email prestige; witchcraft happens
Exactly how to sell in every email you send to your list without coming off like a needy, snake oil salesman
It really is astonishing how many people feel the need to force their products down their subscribers throats. You will never have to do that
How one sportsman, without proving himself against much more experienced competitors, got a title shot just from using the strategy I show you inside Email Prestige
This is EXACTLY why you can get far better results than what all the experts in your market are getting
How to write the PERFECT welcome email which guarantees you...
1) Bond new subscribers to you right away 2) Build unbreakable trust and 3) Persuade new subscribers to buy what you're selling on the first contact
Clever ways to write stories that pack so much punch your readers can't wait to open your emails
Even if you think you can't write stories, I'll show you how easy it really is
Why you don't need big branding or testimonials to make CONSISTENT SALES with every email you write and send to your list
You don't need to compete against the likes of Frank Kern, Brendan Burchard, Mike Filsaime, Amy Porterfield or any other big name gurus in your industry
Turn on the news. What do you see?
Why almost ALL marketers focus on the solution when it comes to problems - and why they just might be missing a beat
Why mastering the art and science of writing persuasive emails can change every other part of your communication across many different platforms
When you learn how to write emails the way I show you, you'll dramatically increase every other part of your business
How to write bizarre, shocking, kooky, funny, and curiosity driven subject lines that get QUALIFIED people to open your emails
When you write subject lines like these, your open rates will soar - and they will be much more TARGETED opens
Exactly the kinds of stories you want to write that make people relate to you on a personal level
HINT: nobody cares about your rise to success, or how poor you once were
The difference between pretending to be your subscribers friend when you write to them, and writing to a real friend
You already know that you should be talking to your subscribers like you would talk to a friend, but if you're being honest, and you look inside your inbox right now, there are very, very few people who can pull this off without sounding like a fake
Don't know about you, but I liked the Joker better than Batman. Wonder if we can use this. Oh wait, I do. I did. You will too when you find out what it is
What the Joker & Batman can teach you about building A TRIBE OF LOYAL FOLLOWERS - and how to tap into your prospects desire to stay focused on your content right until the end of every email
The difference between pretending to be your subscribers friend when you write to them, and writing to a real friend
You already know that you should be talking to your subscribers like you would talk to a friend, but if you're being honest, and you look inside your inbox right now, there are very, very few people who can pull this off without sounding like a fake
How to avoid the G-mail promotions tab and make sure your emails always arrive inside your subscribers personal folder
When you understand how to do this, you won't have to compete for the attention of your subscribers; you'll already OWN it
Why "content" is NOT King when it comes to sending emails to your list
And how you can profit from not trying to "out content" the competition
The one tool every A-List copywriter uses to TURBO CHARGE their writing . I use this tool every single time I write an email
There's a reason people scan through emails and don't pay attention to what they are reading. When I show you how to eliminate the dreaded "email scan" using this very simple tool, your emails will always get the attention they deserve
The secret to getting people on your list to buy from you, even if you have no sales page
As long as your readers like you and trust you; sales can be made directly from your emails
How to borrow the most powerful stories ever created, and ETHICALLY use them inside your own emails
As far as I know, I'm the ONLY person who does this. Trust me, this is one of those techniques you MUST SEE
Why writing safe, boring emails will kill your response immediately
People will NOT be bored in print, or on glass. The sooner you internalize this and address it, the quicker your business will grow - and of course, I'll show you how NOT to be boring
The PERFECT way to structure an email for maximum response
You can't just send out any old email and expect it to be a home run. There's a proven format you must use if you want people to engage with your messages
Why people rarely remember the nuts ‘n bolts of an email.
I'll show you how to inject just the right amount of oomph into your emails, which makes them irresistible to read
The one little trick I use in every email I write, that practically forces my readers out of automatic mode, engages them instantly, and makes them hang onto every word
This approach is not only paramount to your success as an email marketer, it's what's going to separate you from the other "me too" marketers inside your subscribers inbox
The 4 things you must understand if you want to build a list of die-hard followers; not a bunch of fence sitters
Given license to do so, the majority of people on your email list will gladly sponge off you and then go spend their money on someone elses product
Why craving validation and looking for praise from your subscribers is the polar opposite of what makes them want to buy from you
If you care more about praise than you do about making money, then don't even bother reading any further
What two of the biggest publications in the world can teach you about writing subject lines
These publications are read by billionaires, millionaires, middle-class people and lower class people. This technique has been scientifically proven to engage all humans. You ARE selling to humans, right?
Your biggest obstacle, will be people's INERTIA. Without a great hook, you're fooked
How to find HOOKS for your emails which guarantee your subscribers stand up and pay attention to every word you write
Why you MUST speak directly to your prospects 450 million year old reptilian brain if you want them to make a buying decision
If you can't engage and persuade your prospects emotional, decision-making brain, it really doesn't matter how fantastic your products are, they simply will not buy from you
How the mediocre majority reinforce outdated strategies that are guaranteed to keep you struggling
If you truly want to stand out, you MUST ignore what the vast majority are doing
The most powerful writing skill you can easily develop which gets your readers attention, holds that attention with an iron fist, and then redirect the attention onto whatever it is you are promoting
This is the SECRET SAUCE almost ALL marketers don't understand
Why the length of your emails play a crucial role in how relationships are built with your subscribers
Do you write long emails or short emails? There's a lot of misinformation surrounding this topic. With the help of the worlds leading marketing experts, we'll put this one to bed once and for all
What a wealthy Chef, Comedian, Investor and Talk Show Host can teach you about building a loyal list of raving fans
I'll show you why non-conforming celebrities demand attention, and get it without breaking a sweat, and why their audiences hang on to their every word
Exactly how to use contrast throughout your emails to guarantee your readers pay attention to every word they read
The answer to this doozy, is all around us, and yet, not many people are paying attention to it
Robert Collier knew a thing or two about how to do this. Don't fret, I'll show you how to do it too
How to enter the conversation already going on inside your prospects minds and how to get them salivating like Pavlovs dogs when you present your offer to them
Why sending MORE emails gets you LESS spam complaints and has the added benefit of making you MORE money
Okay, this one sounds too good to be true, but if you follow what I tell you do do, you'll see EXACTLY why it works
The secret to making your emails easy to read
If you overdo it, your email can look messy. When done right, however, it can make your emails much more inviting to read
How to FASCINATE your readers and take advantage of the most precious resource online
Your subscribers are getting up to 100 emails inside their inbox each and every day; what makes YOUR emails worth their undivided, precious... attention?
How to avoid building an email list full of free loading peasants who will gladly suck you dry while you go broke
Most email lists are full of free loaders, which costs time and money if you do not address the issue head on
Learn how to turn seemingly boring, mundane, everyday events into engaging and interesting emails that build relationships with your subscribers like nothing else I know of
I'm pretty shit at telling stories, but I've learned how to EASILY address this problem - and it works like gangbusters
Why you don't need to spend days and weeks researching the demographics of your market in order to communicate on their level
Fortunately for us both, people are pretty much the same wherever you go - and easy to communicate with on a personal level. I'll show you EXACTLY how to do this
The most important ideas you need to be filing away inside a swipe file that you can dip into any time you like, for instant email ideas
I will give you all my resources and websites I use to get a flood of topics for any kind of email
The biggest and most obvious reason why marketers are automatically perceived as untrustworthy
And how YOU can take advantage of this fact, by doing the opposite
How to use template themes to cut your email writing time
This is what I used myself in the very beginning of my email marketing career - and it works better today than it did back then
And that's just the beginning.
There's a whole lot more, like...
How to take existing emails you, or your competition have written, and pull them apart to make them more engaging...
How to come up with subject lines "on demand" that absolutely MUST be opened by your subscribers...
How to write an email from start to finish, in under 2 minutes flat, and STILL be engaging and entertaining ...
The very same method I use EVERY DAY to take any boring email, and turn it into an EXCITING piece of content... and what about...
Yep, you've read that right.
You'll get complete unrestricted access to 50 of my own emails that you can use to build credibility and trust with your own subscribers.
These emails are very long (average 1000 words) and are very well written.
You won't find this type of content on the likes of the Warrior Forum or any PLR website.
Nobody else gets access to these
emails but Email Prestige members
I struggled with the idea of including them in this package. Why? Because they ARE very valuable - and a lot of work has gone into creating them over the years.
A lot of these emails are "teaching" emails, and are PERFECT for you to dip into, and adapt to your own email campaigns. When used in conjunction with what I show you inside the Email Prestige training, you will be so far ahead of your competition they won't know what hit them.
How Much Time And Money Are You Wasting
On Building Your Email List Right Now?
I want you to seriously consider the consequences, and frustrations that lie ahead for you if you don't get good at writing emails that engage your subscribers.
Think of how big an email list you'll need to build in order to make any kind of real money, if you can't engage your readers and gain their trust?
That right there is a harsh lesson many are learning the hard way..
But it doesn't need to be like that.
It's ridiculous how many people focus on building email lists, but never put any focus into building relationships with their subscribers.
The thing is, writing engaging emails that entertain, educate and have personality, will not only make you more money, but will also help separate you from your competitors.
How much is that worth to you?
Here's what you're getting when you invest in Email Prestige today....
![Email Prestige Cover Bundle Email Prestige Cover Bundle](
The Email Prestige Main eBook:
This is a No-Filler 129 page guide which takes you by the hand, and teaches you everything you need to understand about writing persuasive, money-making emails that engage, your list
The Email Prestige Subject Line Madness eBook:
Everything you need to know about writing attention grabbing, contrarian, curiosity driven headlines that stand out inside your subscribers cluttered inbox
The Email Prestige Book Of Resources:
Inside this guide I list out ALL of my favourite places around the web to get inspiration on almost every topic you can think of. You will never run out of ideas and topics for emails ever again
The Email Prestige Book Of Incredible Phrases, Metaphors, Similes, Power Words, Funny, and Controversial Statements:
This is my secret sauce when it comes to spicing up my emails so they aren't boring. You will be blown away by this
The Email Mini Product Launch Guide:
Inside this guide I will show you how to set up a product launch set of emails that guarantee you make as many sales as possible
The Little Black Book Of Email Ideas:
Inside this short, 50 page document I list out 27 tactics and strategies you can use in your business, right now, today. Each individual idea can be worth thousands to your bottom line
Awesome Extra - 50 Email Templates:
I'm giving you 50 of my own best emails which you can use whichever way you choose. Use them inside your autoresponder sequences to make sales, build credibility and authority, and bond with your subscribers
You Have Absolutely Nothing to Lose...
Try "Email Prestige" Now For A Full Year... Risk Free!
Listen: I don't care if it's an hour from now or 12 months from now, if you're not happy, I'm not happy. Simply drop me a line and I'll Instantly refund every penny of your money without question.
Not many business providers will give such a lengthy guarantee on their products, but I believe in what I teach, and I'm certain this will be one of the best Investments you have made online... to date!
So, it's now or never to make a choice on whether Email Prestige is right for you, or not.
Or whether it's worth letting it slip by as you continue to do what everyone else has been taught to do - and inevitably get the same results as the many in your market.
Just look at the emails you get inside your inbox every day.
Do they inspire you?
Can you do better?
You most certainly can do better.
To get started, please Click Here
You’ll get access to the full program within a few minutes of placing your order — so you can literally get started right away.
And rest assured that the “365-Day No-Questions Guarantee” I am offering will be 100% honored if you choose to use it.
To your success,
Marty Bostick
Founder of Email Prestige
Remember, I Guarantee Your Satisfaction...
Try "Email Prestige" Now For A Full Year... Risk Free!
Listen: I don't care if it's an hour from now or 12 months from now, if you're not happy, I'm not happy. Simply drop me a line and I'll Instantly refund every penny of your money without question.
Not many business providers will give such a lengthy guarantee on their products, but I believe in what I teach, and I'm certain this will be one of the best Investments you have made online... to date!
Frequently Asked Questions...
After you’ve followed my step-by-step instructions — absolutely! Remember: You don't need to be an expert copywriter to write engaging emails. In fact, YOU already have everything you will ever need to write amazing emails that build strong, long-lasting relationships with your subscribers.
YOU are the determining factor.
YOU are your biggest advantage.
YOU are your product.
YOU are the person your subscribers relate to, and resonate with.
As long as you can talk to the person at the cashier checkout in your local store without bumbling all over yourself, you are already qualified to write personality driven emails.
YES! You can absolutely do this.
Another thing: It doesn't matter what products you promote to your list. Why? Because the way I will show you how to write emails - will transfer into any market and help you sell any product - because, to put it simply, it is NOT about the "thing" it's about getting people to buy into YOU.
That's the power of writing emails the way I'm going to show you.
As long as you engage your readers, they will want to buy from you.
It really is that simple and straightforward.
Absolutely. I'm not a great copywriter either. Believe me.
I wrote this very sales page using the writing skills I have honed from writing my emails.
That's another incredible advantage of learning to write emails the way I show you inside Email Prestige. What you will learn when you go through the program, will transfer onto many different platforms with ease.
Because learning how to engage people in such a short, tight space inside an email, will automatically transfer onto any other advertising platform
After all, we are writing to REAL people here.
Of course! I spend no more than 15 minutes each day writing an email to my list, and I'm done for the day.
Yes, I choose to work on other parts of my business, however, if I was to just build my list, and just send out an email which took me 15 minutes to write, I would still earn enough to live comfortably.
And so can you.
Remember, your biggest asset is your email list. Learn how to engage those people on your list, and you'll never have to worry about money ever again.
A big claim I know, but it's 100% true.
Yes. 100%. Seriously.The last thing I want is for you to be “stuck” with a resource that’s not ideal for you.
That’s why I insist that any product I offer — comes with an ironclad, no-risk “test-drive” period.
In a word: Immediately. You’ll have access to the full program within a few minutes of placing your order.
All you have to do is click on the link I’ll send you in the “Confirmation Email” I’ll send you the moment I process your payment.
Then, you’ll be able to access the full program on your Email Prestige Member Page anytime you want. (Full instructions for accessing your page will also come to you by email.)
You’ll get access to the full program within a few minutes of placing your order — so you can literally get started right away. And rest assured that the “365-Day No-Questions Guarantee” I am offering will be 100% honored if you choose to use it.
We don't believe in get rich programs - only in hard work, adding value and serving others. Our programs are intended to help you share your message with a wider audience and to make a difference in the world while growing your business. As stipulated by law, in promoting this and all our programs we use illustrative numbers only and we can not and do not make results guarantees or give professional or legal advice. That's why it's important that you read all of our terms and earnings disclaimers via the link below as you are not guaranteed to get results or earn an income. It's all the regular legal mumbo jumbo but we feel transparency is important and we hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity.
Thanks for stopping by.
Marty Bostick